HFCP-A10-40E Filter Cartridge
PFI Pleated HFCP-A10-40E Filter Cartridge atau filter lipat berdiameter 6 in serta berkapasitas besar serta tahan terhadap tekanan air, filter ini kami buat dengan multi lipatan yaitu 4 sampai 7 lapis lipatan didalamnya yang berfungsi sebagai penyaring kotoran sediment yang terkandung dalam air ataupun minyak.
PFI memproduksi dengan High Flow Filter Cartridge system dalam tengah ada core tulang berbahan polipropilen sehingga filter tersebut menjadikan kuat terhadap tekanan, design filter ini dibuat dengan salah satu sisi lubang dan satu sisi tertutup atau biasa disebut SOE ( single open end ).
Spesifikasi HFCP Filter Cartridge
Media/Support/Cage: Polypropylene
End caps: Polypropylene
O-rings: EPDM, Silicone, Buna-N, Viton
Micron ratings: 10 μm
Nominal lengths : 40″
Outside diameter : 6.0″ (15.2 cm)
Surface area:
49 ft 2. (4.6 m2) per 40″ element
Kapasitas per panjang filter
Maximum flow rates :
40″ element up to 350 GPM (1325 lpm)
Tentang PFI Filtration
At PFI Filtration, we focus on one thing : engineering and manufacturing high-quality stainless steel bag filter housing units. This allows us to focus on the details and create custom units to meet our clients’ unique needs. We stock a complete line of multi-bag housing units and can ship the next business day. If your application s multiple filtration housing units or a specific design, our engineers will work with you and discuss your options. Our bag filter housing units offer extended service life and a large return on investment. Make your investment today so that you don’t have to worry about tomorrow!
Untuk permintaan penawaran HFCP-A10-40E Filter Cartridge silahkan hubungi kami
Alamat kontak
Ruko Blok G/54 – Gudang A/01
Jl.Canadian Broadway
Pergudangan Commpark – Kotawisata – Cibubur
Kantor : +6221 84937329 , 84937805
Mobile : 081385066789
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